In this day and age we can’t get away with just a standard wall or fence, yard hoppers and intruders will always target the most easily accessible property first.
We offer Electric Fencing, Razor Wire, ClearVu & Palisade Fencing.
We strongly advise our customers to install electric fencing around their perimeter; it acts as a great deterrent to would be criminals.
We follow strict industry guidelines to ensure fence is not easily penetrated, we also ensure the electrification wire is highly-conductive and delivers the right amount of energy. Our energizers have back-up batteries protect against load shedding or electricity outages so that your fence is always on. A COC is also issued after installation so that you can rest assured your fence is compliant.

HANDY TIP: Do not switch the fence off when the alarm goes off repeatedly. Criminals can create a short in the fence, hoping it will malfunction or that the owner will switch it off.
Windows must be burglar-proof. Burglar bars on all windows are essential.
Make sure they’re made of solid or strong steel and built into the wall or metal frame, not the wooden frame. Fixed exterior bars, or Spanish burglar bars, can become a style feature on your windows, with the curved lines or decorative features still going a long way in protecting you.
We Custom Fabricate all Burglar Bars and Security Gates according to your specifications.